Monthly Archives: August 2014

Setting Goals

Sometimes we set goals, determine for themselves the new direction of development and are waiting for results but the results do not show up in a hurry. You are familiar? Can I just say that it is familiar to me. Let me tell you, as it was for me. The first time I became interested […]

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Since the invention of the first electronic computer scientists all thoughts were focused on the fact that it has increased capacity and decreased size. When a mobile computer can be called a device the size of with the cabinet. Would sit in a time machine and show the people a mini-laptop, or offer to buy […]

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Chevrolet Malibu

The cannibalization in the business world is a phenomenon that is usually desirable, but if it is controlled by the company you may have its advantages the cannibalization is often described as a situation in which the sales of a product cause the reduction in sales of other products by the same company. The concept […]

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Kimplayer Media Players

Personal computers have long been transformed from a digital typewriters in these 'monsters' multimedia. And if still more recently show full-length movies on the PC was not very convenient and qualitative Action, with the advent of DVD and Blu-Ray, LCD and LED displays with the highest resolution, as well as broadband Internet, watching movies at […]