The basis of a multi-market reforms of the market economy is the business development. Business of seeing any for profit, providing equity capital to attract or indirect participation in such activities by investing in equity. The main function of the business – production and sale of goods and services in order to profit by meeting the individual and social needs of the nation. The Act defines: Entrepreneurship – the independent activities of the citizens initiative aimed at making a profit or income, carried out on behalf of own risk, under their responsibility or the responsibility of the legal person. Pursuing personal interests of the entrepreneur: – saturate the consumer market in goods – povyshenaet production efficiency by introducing New technologies – increasing employment. Legal framework of business is: 1. Law on Enterprises of Belarus 2. Business Act; 3.
The JSC Law and the Company 4. Law on Combating monopoly 5. The Law on Banks and other business principles: 1. The ability to start and run their business. 2. Commercial-related activities with production and sales of goods and services to meet the personal and public interests.
3. Focus on profit, after meeting the demand for a particular type of goods. 4. Full independence making economic decisions. 5. Risk and the liability for the results of operations. 0bekty business: – trade and intermediary activity – exchange activity – trade and purchasing – Innovation – Leasing – Consulting – securities transactions. The subjects of entrepreneurial activity: – natural persons – citizens of Belarus and foreign citizens, persons without citizenship – legal entities Entrepreneurs can not be under the age of 18 years, except for co-operatives (16 years), those working in the courts, prosecutors, public service. Form of business: – individual manufacturer without a legal entity – a collective production, is the creation of enterprises of different ownership.