
Certain day a boy passed for the fair and sighted one passarinho that he was for sale prisoner in a bird cage and wanted to buy it, he was pra house and he asked for the money to its father saying that wanted to buy a very pretty thing.He came back running toward the fair, he closed the business and he returned for happy house of the life, when its father saw that it had bought one passarinho ordered to free it and put the punishment boy the entire day. The boy then was very sad to cry and adormeceu. Already the night it was waked up and to its it took off it father of the punishment and it asked to it as if it feels prisoner equal the entire day to passarinho and the boy without answering hugged the father and was thankful. In the following day when the boy left pra school sighted its passarinho dead and came back pra house crying, hugged with the father it asked if he was not better to have it left imprisoned in the bird cage and the father affectionately said its son: _ Does not cry filhinho you gave it possibility to it of living free. END

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