Put yourself in the enemy, how would you do in a given situation? Try to count the enemy's actions. But do not naturally completely immersed in this process, the data needs to be designed poverhnostno.V game, there are places where the most is the player of the opposing team. So you sweep this place, or leaving this position, do not wait for confirmation of the guesses, you start shooting in advance. Best card to learn while playing and not running through it alone. Reaction on how quickly you sreagiruete depend your chances of survival. Not only be able to simply shoot well, and accurately direct aim at his head, should be back in time to press the trigger. This item is not a lot of nasovetuesh, but still a couple of recommendations and instructions given to me you have it: A lot depends on the hardware on which you play. Of course for comfortable spending time without the "brakes" in Counter-Strike 1.6 do not need much, any modern PC with its more than pull, when uchastvuesh online game, then here is very important the Internet.
So if you want to play and win, then You must have a low ping, as well as it should be quite stable. Ping on average should be 20 to 60, if you have more than 90, then you have little chance of winning. If you want to lower the ping, or somehow stabilize, then on our site have the appropriate stati.Ne read the chat.