When it comes to hiring a company to install rubber flooring, what should you be looking for? One of the most interesting representatives of a class rubber floor coverings – relin. Relinom called rubber and linoleum. Reliny represent a single or multi-layered rubber materials for flooring. The composition of resins for each kind of rubber linoleum differs depending purpose and scope of coverage. Modern unlike Soviet era, produced according to gost 16914-71 does not contain a part of the rubber crumb, regenerates and other products of recycling.
Distributed as follows rubber linoleum: reliny general purpose chemical-resistant ; antistatic rubber” – one of the few of all kinds in the Russian relinov. Relin general purpose is two-ply material. Upper layer – rubber from natural rubber, which has high hardness, strength and wear. Embossed ‘coin design’ provides improved traction shoe and the surface, ie coating is a non-slip. The lower layer – rubber of medium hardness, based on styrene rubber, provides superior dampening properties of the coating.
Currently, the outdoor stuff is made in Slovakia. Chemically resistant – rolled corrugated sheet, the basis of rubbers for which the synthetic ethylene-propylene rubber epdm, which has exceptional resistance to oxidation. Such linoleum have high chemical resistance to inorganic and organic acids and alkalis, detergents, other reactive species, as well as high weather resistance and ozone resistance. Antistatic intended to remove static, resulting from the operating equipment and friction. The high content of highly active carbon black in rubber composition of which provides drainage of the electric charge over the entire area of floor coverings, in contrast to the classical – – antistatic vinyl covers, where this process takes place only at the location of carbon filaments or graphite inserts. For a similar process scheme produced the so-called insulating rubber carpets. Insulating rubber composition does not contain conductive materials such as carbon black or graphite, which allowed to raise the index of isolation to 50 kV. An important step in the production of insulating carpets to iec 61111:2002 is a complete inspection of each meter cover, such a system used by major European manufacturers, including Company Boguma SRO, production of which is on the Russian market stc Rubber. This class can relinov include a budget option and flooring made of rubber – the so-called corrugated rubber carpets made from inexpensive styrene rubbers with brands of carbon black. Such coatings have satisfactory performance and their use is appropriate in the premises of the warehouse and industrial uses. It is also possible to produce carpets of rubber resistant to gasoline, oil and other petroleum products, that is of interest in the equipment room for the storage of these liquids. In this case, the tire based on nitrile rubber nbr, having a high resistance to organic solvents. This concludes our brief story about relin and hope that you will not have wasted those few minutes are spent on reading. If you are interested, please call or write to us and maybe together with you we will be able to to create a new kind of rubber linoleum.