Saxony Renewable

An infobox built to over 90prozent from renewable forms the core of the travelling exhibition BAUnatour, which performs by the 11.11 to 15.11 in Wernigerode in the Nicolai square. Neustadt a. main/Werningerode, the 08.11.2011: one about infobox built 90% from renewable raw materials is at the heart of the travelling exhibition BAUnatour, which performs on behalf of the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) of the 11.11 to 15.11 in Wernigerode in the Nicolai square. The exhibition presents itself in the wood action week in cooperation with the land Advisory Board wood Saxony-Anhalt and other partners from regional companies and associations. At the official opening, Wernigerodes Mayor Peter Gaffert and Peter Wenzel, head of the Department of forestry and nature protection, international cooperation in the Ministry of agriculture and environment of Saxony-Anhalt welcome the BAUnatour in the colourful town in the Harz on Friday, the 11.11 to 13:30 with other guests of the opening.

Representatives of the media and interested in the topic are to this Appointment is invited. The exhibition is open from 10 until 18.00 for visitors daily, admission and advice are free. All dealing with the topic of house construction or modernisation, BAUnatour an opportunity for good, independent experts advise to have to ask individual questions and to receive competent answers. BAUnatour shows and explains the benefits and properties of wood, natural insulation materials, floor coverings from sisal and Cork, natural colors, and much more. The infobox is designed in the style of a modern “mobile home” and thus that renewable materials meet the highest construction standards. Numerous exhibits and information brochures are the visitors about all topics available.

In the framework of the BAUnatour regional companies and associations, present ECOHOUSE & garden as a dealer, Rafik woodworking craftsmen as well as sustainable planning architects as the Harz National Park with info around the forest at its information booths and others. Citizens have the ability, the offers of experts from trade, to learn about planning and crafts locally and to receive competent answers to individual questions. A variety of consulting options for sustainable building and energy, events for children, as well as free lectures is rounded off by the BAUnatour value. There is more information on the Internet at. The touring exhibition was initiated by the trade agency of renewable resources (FNR) on behalf of the BMELV.

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