As you know, the backbone of any economy is a self-SME sector. And it is this area experienced the main negative impact of the global financial crisis. This is especially true of such industries as corporate lending, which allowed earlier to actively develop and stabilize the business. If we believe the financial analysts, before the crisis conditions that put the banks in one way or another to satisfy most of the sme entrepreneurs. Of course, the perfect co-existence of banks and customers can not, in principle, and certain differences in the timing and volume of granted loans have always been. However, subsequent events have shown that pre-crisis situation was more than acceptable. Review of Western funding has led to many banks actually have frozen their credit departments. Step easily explained – the fear of growing defaults, a distrust of the new clients.
And if big corporations continued to remain in sight and possess a banking support, the sme sector was left behind. Renewal of corporate lending for small and medium-sized businesses began only this, in 2010. And despite all the optimistic predictions and significant changes in the industry, pre-crisis levels can be achieved is not soon. Of course, the banks have again started to develop credit programs entrepreneurs, but today in honor of the so-called 'short' credits on a fairly harsh conditions. In particular, changes relating to bail. Active lending turnover has led to that crisis, banks were the owners of countless stores with different trademarks values, and repeat the nightmare of trying to realize all this is not like anyone. Another noticeable change – the banks have stopped to consider the gray income as basis for calculating the credit amount. Today, local entrepreneurs have been actively working on transparent financial reporting.
But not so pessimistic as it might seem. Major players of the sector of the market predicts the gradual development of corporate lending to the mutual satisfaction of banks and borrowers. Following the refinancing rate will decrease interest rates, offered by banks, will be created new loan programs that may interest clients. So, according to the well-known specialists in St. Petersburg companies' Versailles Finans, today there is a very optimistic phenomenon – the banks are beginning to return to previous level of trust and turn to the client. If we consider that the market there are also serious banks with Western capital, capable of substantially lower interest rates, domestic bankers reluctant will be included in a struggle for the client. So, we can safely say that the most difficult period for small and medium-sized businesses have already overcome