Tag Archives: art

Style Sheets

To begin in the design of the Web in that we will lodge our store online implies a learning process necessarily. It is precise that all designer Web knows at least two programming languages Web (HTML and CSS are indispensable and complementary), as well as to know how how to choose a servant, to contract […]

Internet Market

And to eat, of our profession, we must know how to us to sell to us, we must specialize and stand out against our competition and must know how to realise strategic alliances with other actors whom they reinforce our image of experts. By all this, that one that wants to make businesses in Internet […]

Until Recently, Joseph Ratzinger

Style: Joseph Ratzinger resigns “transition Pope,”Hardliners”,”Papa Ratzi”; as Pope Benedikt 16 until finally Joseph Ratzinger Joseph Ratzinger was not poor epithet during his time as Pope Benedict XVI. However, trying to bring the short tenure of this Pope to a common denominator, as Benedict XVI was always above all one: Joseph Ratzinger – by and […]

Colombian Currency

But the maintenance of the interest rate was not the unique determination that took the Colombian Central bank. The other decision taken by the monetary authority and that outside received well by the market, consists of a greater intervention in the exchange market by means of the acquisition of a greater level of dollars through […]