Tag Archives: the news

Style Sheets

To begin in the design of the Web in that we will lodge our store online implies a learning process necessarily. It is precise that all designer Web knows at least two programming languages Web (HTML and CSS are indispensable and complementary), as well as to know how how to choose a servant, to contract […]

European Commission Greece

The serious problem cannot be denied that in the present confronts Greece, an economic crisis has affected that it much, on the matter, it comments Douzinas Coasts (The Guardian), that the smaller doubt does not fit, that as much Papandreu as Karamanlis, the dominant political dynasties in the Greece of postwar period, has used as […]

Mixed Ofimarket

q Mixed Ofimarket: Viene to be a previous contract mixture both. M2 is required to have the commercial premises of 200 of which half will consist of a warehouse for sale to companies of telephone way. The zone where this type of tax exemption could be implanted would be in urban nuclei of more than […]

Internet Market

And to eat, of our profession, we must know how to us to sell to us, we must specialize and stand out against our competition and must know how to realise strategic alliances with other actors whom they reinforce our image of experts. By all this, that one that wants to make businesses in Internet […]

Citigroup Market

We found out that Brazil, has been located like the first emergent market. Their companies obvious have been impelled by the revaluation that those high prices of raw materials carry. It raises Buffet it revealed his real preference by the Brazilian, and is inverted from 2007. Emergent major + Buffet possible + investment clay: yes, […]

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Colombian Currency

But the maintenance of the interest rate was not the unique determination that took the Colombian Central bank. The other decision taken by the monetary authority and that outside received well by the market, consists of a greater intervention in the exchange market by means of the acquisition of a greater level of dollars through […]

Movable Marketing

Movable marketing is all type of promotion of a mark or service through cellular. The possibilities are several: from numbers of which the user can unload contained (gratuitous payments or), messages of promotional text, or to content in format wap. Within this concept is the use of the moving body through the Bidis (a species […]

Productivity Markets

An organization, whatever the activity that realises, if wishes to maintain a level adapted of long term competitiveness, must use sooner or later, procedures of analysis and formal decisions, fitted within the framework of the process of " strategic planning of mercados". Considrese in addition, that the function of markets is a process to systematize […]

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United Nations

It already does certain time that some from which we came, ingenuously, successfully obtaining the respect to the international legislation and we advocated the renovation and the fortification of the unique organism able on the matter to exert certain universal authority, United Nations, we have begun, badly that weigh to us, to leave so utopian […]

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Fair Exemptions

The Hall the Tax exemption Expofranquicia 2011 has predicted to celebrate his seventh edition in the Fair of Madrid from the 5 to the 7 of May. The past year 140 companies and 225 marks occurred to appointment in the contest, that were visited by a total of 12,261 people, which was translated in an […]