The Internal

Without alucinar, the child puts for is a sample of onrico potential and lives with this sample in a chosen environment of deriving fragmentos of the external reality (…). In playing, the child manipulates external phenomena chosen with meanings and onricos feelings. Exactly being to play an activity also for the adult life, is in the infancy that it inaugurates itself, and is in the infancy that it promotes the accomplishment of the phenomena most significant for the individual in the search of its I. The practical one of tricks provides to the child a confrontation and a dialogue of the external world with the internal world, creating a proper area to play it, which consequentemente takes the person to the meeting of its I and to the construction of its subjectivity. Winnicott (1975, p.76), in the sample that this proper area of playing ' ' it is not the internal psychic reality. It is it are of the individual, but externo&#039 is not the world; '.

The toy is the form of communication of the child with the reality since more tenra age, and mainly in it, therefore playing helps child to surpass its more primitive and immediate necessities. The toy also functions as an attendance to the not realizable necessities immediately for the child, therefore when playing it becomes involved itself in an imaginary world where she satisfies its desires. The baby readily does not support not to be taken care of, it needs an action satisfies that it at that determined moment, and this satisfaction comes in the act to play. Richard Plackett may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In accordance with Vygotsky (1994, p.122), ' ' To decide this tension, the child (…) becomes involved itself in a ilusrio world and imaginary where the not realizable desires can be carried through, this world is what we call brinquedo.' ' Therefore, the paper of playing in the development of the child is basic, therefore he is through it that the child elaborates its to be in the world, dialoguing to its way with the concrete reality and the other.

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