The Truth About Power

Food and health in these days a regional chain is emitting a series produced by the very interesting BBC titled the truth about food. It seems surprising that no serious studies on the influence of the power been made in health until now. Studies of Western medicine try to cure diseases through chemical compounds, surgery, and other physical and chemical methods. And this medicine has advanced greatly in the last century, so we managed to cure and prevent a huge range of diseases. MEDICINES and medicine for various reasons feeding is not linked to these studies except in some statistics about habits that try to explain the relationship between customs and ways of life and some diseases without really concrete conclusions. Big pharmaceutical companies are studying and marketed chemical compounds, scientists advance in the knowledge of DNA and stem cells, and all these advances have increased the quality of life of our generation in a way spectacular. Recently, some universities North American, as shown in the documentary that we said at the beginning, have attempted to demystify or reinforce myths about food.

FOODS that heal some of its results are reacted with diets and in particular about the slimming diets but we want to influence a particular outcome: the spinach. One of the studies conducted with older people who suffered from a disease of the retina called degeneration macular, he demonstrated that a diet rich in spinach improved the vision of great part of the sick by 30%. A carotenoid: lutein, vitamin A precursor was the architect. Can you imagine a doctor prescribing 250 gr. spinach every day? We emphasize this conclusion because we advocate that food is the foundation of good health, and that foods rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals are capable of helping us to prevent and combat diseases.

FOOD miracle from the press, the official medicine, even from institutions such as the Ministry of health, are released messages that somehow degrade or discredit natural medicine. Wary of miracle food it is advisable. There are no miracles, clear that no, but a complement to food as rich as aloe vera and noni juice provides nutrients needed for health. And it does so in a natural way. There, we have explained on many reports, an insurmountable difference between the natural nutrients and vitamins achieved based on chemical processes. Our body recognizes organic compounds and assimilates them naturally. Good nutrition is an essential basis. It will help us on the one hand not to develop diseases which are based on the deficiency of some nutrient, and on the other hand will increase our natural defences. We should eat fruits and vegetables varied and in large quantities, but if we also ensure that our daily intake of vitamins supplements naturally we will be doing a great favor to our body. Original author and source of the article.

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