Urban Legion

However, we can notice the existence of ' ' gritos' ' of alert for the population each sunk time more in this programmed ocean. Evidently, it is the case of musics that try to present to the listener the reality, we take as the songs former: ' ' Generation cocaine-cola' ' (Urban Legion) that it says respect it influences American capitalist north in the mind of the Brazilians, and ' ' Televiso' ' (Titns). ' ' When we are born we were programmed to receive what vocs they had pushed in them With the tinned ones of the USA, from 9 to the 6. Since small we eat Commercial garbage and industrial But now &#039 arrived our time Rio De Janeiro Attitude (…); ' (Generation cocaine-glue/Urban Legion) ' ' The television me left donkey, much donkey excessively Now all things that I think me I seem equal I left me to the ice cream gripado for the remaining portion of the life and now all night when I lie down is good night, wanted. Cride, says pra mother Who I never read in a book that one I sneeze was a virus without cure Sees he understands if me at least a time, creature! Cride, says pra mother! (…) ' ' (Television/Titns). After this analyzes, of the historical, social context and modern of the communication – with prominence the media – finally it concludes that, the initial ideology of the same ones was deturpada. , After studies today brief on the subject, readings of news articles, it is evident that the power of intervention of the media in the life of the modern man comes more growing each time.

We must to be intent what adentra in our homes and our mind, therefore many times we leave of living the life and giving value to the simple things, those that really make in them happy say In them so intelligent and independent, but finish we place in them in the condition of an insignificant marionette. Reference:…/garoto-morre-ao-brincar-de-naruto.html BOY Upon request LIVES WHEN PLAYING OF EXPENSIVE NARUTO MR. MARINE ROBERT AS BONNER IT DEALS WITH the ESPECTOTADOR the Material NATIONAL PERIODICAL disponibilizado by Prof. Cerize Gomes.

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