Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Market

Today when seeing a brother passing lying hunger or in the sides of a dirty sidewalk, fedendo the same odor that emanates of this ' ' nova' ' society, we become in them indifferent, we do not perceive that we are the culprits for being unconditionally submissos to this immoral system. We arrive at such […]

Global Markets Rise After Rescue Mortgage In The U.S.

AP – London (AP) – The world stock markets subían sharply on Monday after Washington announced that the rescue of U.S. had developed an exercise planwhich uses the for a great workout. mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a measure that could help hold the fragile U.S. housing market and inject confidence to investors […]

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German Marketing

The Berlin Institute for East-West supports the 'Days of Yakutia in PR-2010' and the international scientific-practical conference "Cross-border project" Eastern Ring of Russia "as a basis for forming a single tourist space and an instrument of cooperation in North-East Asia. " On activities that take place in Yakutsk 22-26 June 2010 will discuss new tools […]

International Asset Markets

Main article: Unfortunately the major works of this school, very important in United States and England, have not been translated into Spanish timely, so the general public do not know. During the twentieth century the growing cultural hegemony of the intelligentsia that anti prevalently selected works in publishing houses has a specific effect of nel […]

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Brazilian Service

The author affirms that, a factor that will depend very and on the Brazilians, if to demystify, is the cultural paradigm in addition of not valuation of men and success women, that have constructed this country and generated wealth, which is great entrepreneurs and, many times are not recognized. They are seen only as luck […]