Main article: Unfortunately the major works of this school, very important in United States and England, have not been translated into Spanish timely, so the general public do not know. During the twentieth century the growing cultural hegemony of the intelligentsia that anti prevalently selected works in publishing houses has a specific effect of nel maintain ignorance of the large Spanish-speaking public on the progress of investigations of this school. The works are in English (much every republican) and not so many years ago also in Spanish (not all, but investors many of the most important) funds through an editorial editions madrile a that also sells online. Perhaps the main sin of leading exponents of this school (eg Bawerk, Mises, Hayek) is anticipated to have demonstrated time and since the late nineteenth century and in subsequent works in the course of the twentieth century, the impossibility of socialism and the potential dangers inherent policies to “welfare” fashion until the seventies of the Eighty-Noveciantos, although investment portfolio in recent years has been revised this conclusion given that capitalism go into crisis, and many claimed to be scientific theories that were not to be mere belief or imposition of very powerful interests of international capitalism. the tremendous successes of the Family of Funds that are managed by the make The truth is that the alleged demonstrations of Mises and Hayek, lacked scientific and methodological regidez and followed a highly structured strategy for the Mont Pelerin Society.
The Austrian business cycle theory or TACE was developed by economists of the so-called Vienna school, whose founder was Karl Menger, followed initially by Eugen von Bawerk (his The main work is in three volumes: “History and Criticism of fund management the Theories of Interest Capital, “1884,” Positive Theory of Capital “, 1888, and” excursus “) author of the definitive critical della Marxist economic theory, and Friedrich von Wieser. The cycle theory was developed in particular by LV Mises ( “Theory of Money and the Media Circulation, 1912,” human action – Treaty of Economics, 1949), FA Hayek ( “Prices and Production,” 1931, “Pure Theory of Capital”, 1941, and Murray Rothbard ( “The Great Depression”, 1963). Hayek and Mises left Austria because of Nazi persecution. Mises and Hayek taught at Geneva in England. Then they both taught in the United States.
Younger economists from abroad who had attended courses or seminars Mises and Hayek in Vienna known or developed their work and discussed aspects of this theory. The most active in the twentieth century were John Fetter, Lionel Robbins, Gottfried von Haberler, investment management Wilhelm Ropke, William NYSE Hutt, John Hicks, Fritz Machlup, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Newton Rothbard, stocks etc. .. So many of the same school have written many works not cited here that deal with the issue.
The Austrian theory explains the relationship between the “temporary structure” of social capital (starting from the capital theory of Bohm Bawerk, bank credit, economic growth and massive investment errors that accumulate in the upward phase of the cycle, by exploiting with the bubble and destroying value.
Argues that an expansion ‘artificial’ credit, that is not supported by prior voluntary savings, tends to guide the long-term investment in the wrong direction, because the relative prices and interest rates Ribotsky markets have been distorted by the higher mass of money circulating in the economy.investment Investments to generate high capital intensity that had not been taken but for such distortion, the property is over-accumulated social capital, and sooner or later (the process is explained in the works mentioned above) interest rates artificially low fit in its true market level, usually much higher than those set by central banks since the escasezrelativa of capital goods. when considering hedge funds, I spoke with who is a leading investment manager This more or less sharply cut the flow of cheap credit, and investments that seemed to pay off inflated prices now cease to be the crisis is made up and the natural closure of the investment incorrectly.
- Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance