Our New Online Shop Is Here!

Buy books and E-books directly from the Publisher small Publisher uses characters: it’s done books and E-books directly from the Publisher 25.05.2011 – Bayreuth. The Publisher core has installed its new online book and E-book store. Now books and E-book friends can buy quickly and easily directly their reading from Publisher. This is a big step in the future. Publishing Chief Evelyne core, Member of the Stock Exchange Association of the German book trade, has recognized that it must recognize the signs of the times and translates with the new shop that, making the large part already before.

The good old book parallel to the new generation of reading, the E-book. In the new shop of the you can choose very easily book and E-book. The price difference between print and E-book will be shown directly. The Publisher core simply settles the printing costs for the book and sent the completed E-Book-PDF after payment immediately by E-mail to the customer. There are no shipping costs.

The book (within Germany), nor in the E-book. It couldn’t be simpler really. Easy on to the bestellshop / click and go already. To make the search even better books and E-books, has the Publisher core the domain backed up,,,, switched to the publishing page and thus extends the search on the net for interesting reading. Of course, you can buy the title of Publisher core still in every bookshop and the other online shops. The core is still young and still relatively small book selection. However, new title happen every month. Whether true stories, novels and short stories, there is something for every crime and thriller, property and books up to the biography and poetry of course. Free with every book order, there is a pretty, matching bookmark.

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