If you do not like something in your design, then do not hesitate to modify it! I will say again, a good site for a free hosting service will not work. Now about earnings. You can make money either online or in life, make, create an electronic wallet and transfer the money for it, pay for hosting. Hosting can be paid and not on the internet, but it depends on the seriousness of the company where you are going to buy it. Make money online newbie, in my opinion, it is best to exchange papers. Remember, the stock exchanges mentioned above? So, there is a unique text provides such the same people who want to make money, they write articles and sell them. This is called copywriting.
That's copywriting, in my opinion, this is the best way to make the beginner. Come to the exchange of articles, register, write unique articles about what you are good, though about computer games, though about a marriage between the flies Drosophila. Earned money? Then buy the hosting, design transfer that you created on a free hosting to paid or create a new one. Fill the site, promote it, that is, make it visited. How do I do? By adding your site to directories of the best search engines, by the way, to improve the position of the site in the list issued by the search engine use meta tags on them can easily find on the Internet. Here we are with you and have gone a website, and to keep it interesting for visitors, and thus with the right approach, bringing you a steady income, develop it, Fill out all the new and the new information. How to earn on its haunted, I repeat visit, the site you can find on the Internet.