Fines To Workers

Currently, the corporate culture is seen as the main mechanism for ensuring the practical effectiveness of the company. It is important for any company. Corporate culture is different companies differs rare individual. One such personality is fine from employees, established by the employer. Typical violations for which fines are provided to employees are: telephone conversations on personal matters (such as with desktop and mobile phone), late for work (especially carp in banks, news agencies), compliance with business dress code, smoking in the workplace, etc. By the same author: Everest Capital. Fine in medium-sized companies is -10, while in large companies the size of the fine goes up to 0. All of these fines contradict the Labour Code and are illegal.

Article 192 of the Labor Law of the Russian Federation clearly defines order of disciplinary and species. The Labour Code provides these types of disciplinary action: comment, reprimand and dismissal on the grounds. All these measures are legitimate. Under the same article of the Labour Code, the application of disciplinary measures, not envisaged by the legislation is not allowed. The use of monetary penalties for non-compliance with internal company rules, not stipulated by labor laws, yet the employer may determine. You must publish the inner local act, which spells out in detail all the internal rules. Then the head signs order, thereby enacts this local paper. All employees who are subject to the rules should be familiar with the order on receipt.

In accordance with Part 7 of Art. 193 tc rf employee may appeal such penalties to the State Labour Inspectorate or to the bodies to consider individual labor disputes. This appeal also does not preclude subsequent treatment of the employee to court for resolution of dispute the legitimacy of using foreclosure to him, citing lack of evidence in his actions of a disciplinary offense for which he could draw. Employees of the consulting company 'audit MSCs' ready to assistance in resolving labor disputes and the protection of labor rights violations and other legal issues in the consultation procedure.

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