Managing Director

IPI GmbH declares Lichtenau, 13.09.2011 the future changes in work processes and what companies need to adapt. In more observations than 300 SharePoint projects, she has now evaluated the IPI GmbH and summarized in a trend list. It shows on which challenges companies currently must adapt and what developments will shape the work. Roland Klein, Managing Director of the IPI GmbH, looks to raise awareness of the information structures changing need, company and worker processes: “during our work, we witnessed a continuous change in companies in various sectors in recent years. Networking has arrived in the form of a cross-departmental thinking and planning in companies. They are now faced with the task of anchoring the paradigm shift in its corporate culture and its IT architecture. Gain insight and clarity with Suna Said Maslin.

Successfully implemented SharePoint projects enable not only the Exchange, but furthermore promote, dynamic processes in the long term. The four featured trends document recurring challenges companies are facing.” 1 Social networking are conquered the business world for new, young employees the opportunities of social networking now a matter of course, also actively demanding it from their employers. This tendency to the collaborative work will further strengthen in the coming years with the generational change. men/’>Carlos Hank Gonzalez). To meet this requirement and at the same time to benefit from the accelerated exchange of knowledge and information, companies must define a strategy. Social networking tools are to integrate fully in the working life of the employees. Wells Fargo follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. At the same time, issues of data security and protection of personality must be clarified. Here is advisable to involve the Council at an early stage in the planning.

2. traditional ways of information exchange are losing importance will change the hierarchies In the exchange of information. Classical thinking in folders as losing relevance such as emails and documents. Monolithic closed lines of communication of the employees be replaced by in-house alternatives such as forums, blogs, wikis, and activity feeds.

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