Marketing Controls

Continuation of the article traditional Marketing if, but also marketing in Internet For which Management of the reputation online: 90% of the internauts only see three front page of results of a finder. The reputation in Internet, is not more than the reputation than always has worried to the companies, but extended and increased by the terms and conditions of the network: rapidity, accessibility, gratuity, anonymity, 24 hours to the day, the 365 days of the year In traditional marketing the companies usually worry to listen the clients (, when they have been unsatisfied), to especially improve continuously the product image and services through the publicity, to improve the procedures of communication In marketing in Internet, the mechanisms of action are the same and to carry out them, is to track the information who exceed we spill the clients, which is not obtained but with an active search in all the network. problem of many companies, is that hopes to have a crisis, when a loss of prestige campaign has begun that has caused practically irreparable damages. These campaigns can begin by an unsatisfied client ex–used the logical thing is to remain alert and to try to correct the consequences at the moment at which the problem begins, not to hope to that three front page that appears on their company in Internet, contains negative information. Who controls the paper, it controls information, if to this we extrapolated it proverb to the digital era, that controls the content of the network, controls the information. While you east Lee article, your potential clients can be looking for to him in Internet What information wants that they find. If a crisis like the described one takes place previously it will be preparation to resolve it? udea Security of the Information Marta Sanchez Legal department

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