In recent years social networks have displaced, traditional methods of communication online, most of the people that we use internet, at least once we’ve used facebook, twitter, etc. One of the reasons why using facebook is marketing, but marketing social networks can not handle under the same schemes that have been used for radio, television and print media, is a different way of advertising. Internet marketing, not only relies on register a domain, buy a web hosting and create your web page, you need to get visitors to your one of the most recent examples of the use of social networks was the successful case of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, who is wearing a strong campaign through facebook, twitteryoutube raised the level of acceptance and logo win elections. Now campaign for 2012 already began to use these networks again, if Barack Obama used it with good results, because don’t you? Whether you have a free web hosting or you use one pay, facebook will help you to send traffic to your website. Like other social networks, the facebook community has its own rules that you must follow, since otherwise you will lose the mood and will not continue with your campaign. Some tips that we can follow: 1. If you have a company, business or service, creates a page and not a profile, profiles are for people, for business pages.
Today facebook already allows the use of a page as if it were a profile, so there is no excuse to not create it. 2. Not you post links of your offers on your friends profiles, that can be taken as spam. Instead, seeks a photograph showing one of your clients or friends enjoying your products or your offers, publish it and tag this person and others you want to see the photo. This will allow that your friends and friends of your tagged friends see it, enjoying your products. 3 Prepare an event for the launch of bid, invites friends to the event and those potential customers, this will cause to receive a email notification. Facebook has many tools for marketing, just have to make the correct use of them.