Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Direct Marketing

We detach to follow some strategies of marketing of relationship used for the companies in current days: mutual Comprometimento: according to Berry Parasuraman (1992), the relationship of long duration if establishes from financial, social and structural bows. This mutual comprometimento is characterized by the privacy that the supplier generates with the customer. The companies use […]

Brazilian Service

The author affirms that, a factor that will depend very and on the Brazilians, if to demystify, is the cultural paradigm in addition of not valuation of men and success women, that have constructed this country and generated wealth, which is great entrepreneurs and, many times are not recognized. They are seen only as luck […]

Virtual Marketing

Marketing actions in the Internet already are reality, and the trend is to increase each time more. In the seventh, and last one, at least for the time being, article of the series Personal Marketing the subject is ' ' Great Rede' '. You already heard to speak of Marshall McLuhan? This Canadian thinker divulged […]

Total Quality Control

14) According to GOLDBARG (1995. P. 25), ' ' the Quality of Life pressures in direction to the motivacionais and human factors, as well as the o development of partnerships. This face of the quality concept standes out the social contribution ecolgica.' ' For BALLESTERO-ALVAREZ (2001), It is necessary that if it institutes a system […]