Do You Have The Career Management Power It Takes To Survive ?

In a recent survey of over 662 career seekers, some disturbing trends were identified. most career seekers have no idea what career management skills they have or what those skills are! As a result, it will be difficult for these career seekers to succeed. In fact, only 71% of respondents agreed that there was some professional management skills at all! That’s why we are particularly vulnerable to future layoffs Before jumping to the answers, try your hand at identifying the managerial capabilities of his career. His list of Top 3. Now, let’s compare your answers – and their ability to survive – to these respondents. Just reading this, you are gaining horsepower versus your competition! Let’s start refining some competitive advantages? and hopefully, can be enough to get through (and possibly avoid) future layoffs. What are the real management skills necessary for success in his career and how they stack up to competition? Let’s see the facts: Top 5 Career Management Skills 1) Networks (internal)? Always establish contacts and relationships within the profession and industry of these can be your best source of new possibilities, especially to stay in the area where it is. Find opportunities ahead of your competition through these contacts is a critical career management skill. Only 10% of respondents had networking as a career management skill. Leaving 90% missing the boat and in the block for future chops. 2) Networks (external):? Always build relationships outside their profession. These can serve as a gateway to new possibilities.

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