They become live, the computers of the recipients. Obtain prospects for a campaign of marketing by e-mail is easier than the traditional method. The above, as people are more willing to leave in a form in our blog or website, your e-mail address, which leave your physical address. They consider that it is more dangerous to give your address to your email address. One of the more pronounced advantages of email marketing is the ability to track which can be given.
In the case of traditional mail, used for a long time as a form of marketing, is He had only one chance and convince the reader to buy our product or service. For email, you have the opportunity to ask the visitor for the first time, Subscribe to a mailing list through a form on our blog or website, and make us so you will continue to receive the following emails with offers that we have. But, beyond that to continue receiving our emails, have the opportunity to direct them to our blog or website where there will be more chances of making a sale. It is necessary, to speak and apply marketing based on e-mail, for online businesses, we know the evolution that has taken from direct mail, used traditionally, up to what we know today as marketing through marketing by e-mail. Director of Marketing. addresses the importance of the matter here. This knowledge, in addition to giving us a clearer view of this marketing strategy, can help us avoid falling into the same mistakes or others worse, based on the experiences of the past. Despite the many advantages I’ve been mentioning before, marketing by e-mail, the truth is that, in practice have a single opportunity to Captivate our prospects. Hear from experts in the field like Leadership Book for a more varied view. And this not to make us a purchase immediately, but Yes so that they become our fans for future offerings.
And this opportunity is in our first email message. This message will depend on the disposition of the reader to continue to maintain contact with us or delete our emails. From this perspective, the use of email as a marketing strategy, has two basic purposes: making sales and make followers. In the first case, a good marketing campaign by using e-mail (E-Mail Marketing), could result in some immediate sales and, in the second case, could be achieved our readers to subscribe to our list (an electronic bulletin, an electronic journal, or simply leave your details to receive any gift or bonus that we’re offering). So, if after a campaign by means of E-Mail marketing, we do not get a high volume of sales, it should not worry so much. You could have been the second purpose: attract followers to our lists of mails for maintaining commercial relations with them and friendship. Relations that we must be able to manage with respect and dignity for our fans. Let us remember that, as social beings, we will always have something to offer to our friends that are in our list of mailing lists, and we can even win not only customers, but business partners throughout our relationship.