The author affirms that, a factor that will depend very and on the Brazilians, if to demystify, is the cultural paradigm in addition of not valuation of men and success women, that have constructed this country and generated wealth, which is great entrepreneurs and, many times are not recognized. They are seen only as luck people or despite they won in the life for other people’s ways its ability. The author tell that in Brazil, the empreendedorismo started to take form in the decade of 1990, when entities as the Sebrae (Brazilian Service of Support to the Micron and Small Companies), and Softex (Brazilian Society for Exportation of Software) had been created. that was with the programs created in the scope of the Softex in all country next to the incubadoras of companies and the universities (courses of computer sciences/computer science), that the Empreendedorismo subject to awake started it in the Brazilian society. According to author, after to have last 15 years, can itself be said that Brazil enters in this new millenium with all the potential to develop one of the biggest programs of education of the empreendedorismo of the whole world, comparable to the United States, where more than 1500 schools teach the empreendedorismo. Information in ( As Dolabela are gotten (1999), the first courses of conferences of that if it has the news, had more focus in the small company of what in the empreendedorismo.
In 1947, Harvard, Business School, created a course on management of small companies. Dolabela (1999) standes out that in 1953, Peter Drucker mounted a course of empreendedorismo and innovation in the New York University. They had been pioneering activities, because it would pass much time until empreendedorismo courses were offered by the schools of business administration. However, Dolabela (1999) concludes that the empreendedorismo this crossing unexpected growth in all the dimensions. E, remembering still, seen in Dornelas (2001), Timmons spoke in quiet revolution, where the empreendedorismo will be for century 21 more than what the industrial revolution was for century 20. .