DOM SET combines team event and incentive with intercultural encounter before the background of the globalization grows in the company the importance of intercultural competence significantly. Yet companies often do not sufficiently exploit the potential of this trend-setting topic”, says Oliver malate. Together with specialized partners, the Creative Director of DOM SET designed tailor-made corporate events as world travels through German cities”. This open their doors to business and private individuals from different countries and invite to personal insights into their lives. Even without a costly trip abroad staff so deeply immersed in many different cultures, better learn and understand. Germany already is a Multi-Kulti nation with its seven million inhabitants of foreign citizenship. People from about 170 countries who have brought their culture, religion and way of life to us live in Cologne alone. It’s fantastic what we all take from each other and what priorities we with our world travel can put,”said malate.
Currently, DOM SET converts the offer in the big cities of Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. Good experience pushes the concept especially for companies that operate globally or in international teams work hard at the home base in Germany on the tour of Cologne on high resonance. Recently, DOM SET in Cologne had the manners of different target markets in the authentic contact information over 100 consultants for the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Jessica Galow of DIS AG sums up: the city on this uniquely was to explore for us something very special. Whether out of Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Essen or Cologne we all know the Cologne world new and love learned. The look behind the scenes and facades has inspired us and touched.” Memorable and politically correct a significant advantage of this unique teambuilding and incentive is their politically correct Layout based on the combination of clear educational mission and an unforgettable experience.
The itinerary is basically”on the communication goals in the company to tailor and includes exceptional stations such as about a session with musicians from Zimbabwe, the visit of a Cuban cigar factory, an Outtoor-Tai-Chi-hour, a meeting with the Tunisian artist Rachid Allagui or a discussion with believers in their mosque. The framework programme ranges depending on desired size from the well organised tour guide”to the full-service package including meeting, dinner and party. The success of the programme is based on the ease of mutual learning. Shy rarely arises, because the participating hosts have decided consciously to support the idea: on our tours, meetings take place with people having the pleasure of an open Exchange. Each individual relations arising from the immediate experience, which achieve a very sustainable positive effect”, describes malate. DOM DOM SET Live Communications is an owner-managed Agency for live communication with headquarters in Cologne. The creative hotbed in events, incentives and team-building has made a particular name. More focus in strategic communications, ranging from off-site meetings to trade fair events and guerrilla marketing. Core of the Agency’s success is the intensive, targeted advice, as well as its focus on the lasting positive impact of their events. DOM SET is a member of the AIKA (Alliance of owner-managed communication agencies) and service partner of the CCB (Cologne Convention Bureau). More information under: Kerstin men