Tag Archives: education & career

European Management School Mainz

Bernd hake (Managing Director Hugo Boss UK) Guest lecture at the European management of the HUGO BOSS brand name is school EMS Mainz successful company world deems fashionable suits, quality and exclusivity. More information is housed here: Rachel Pak. Even in times of the great depression, the company on course for success remains. You may […]

Public Relations

Who wants to learn about a marketing study comprehensively, finds the study, its content, and where you can study marketing here an overview. A marketing study is the electric strike in the world of advertising and marketing industry. By increasing competition and shorter product life cycles, the demand for idea strong and well trained workforce, […]

Dr. Carsten Linz Joins Advisory Board Of Pantros

A recognized growth expert of SAP AG advises in the future the management team by Pantros reinforcement of Advisory Board of specialists for concept-based semantic search technology Bischofszell/Switzerland, Sacramento/California 17.08.2011 with Dr. Carsten Linz. This provides great potential for self learning semantic search technologies in strategic knowledge management. Dr. Linz Pantros, the specialist for concept-based […]

Seminar Description

Psychology for executives increasingly important today to cope under the various requirements of the executives, is and remains the central task of leadership. Leadership psychology increases the chances to cope with successful this task for themselves, for the employees and for the company as a conscious, deeper insight into the complex mind of a human. […]

DOM SET Live Communications

DOM SET combines team event and incentive with intercultural encounter before the background of the globalization grows in the company the importance of intercultural competence significantly. Yet companies often do not sufficiently exploit the potential of this trend-setting topic”, says Oliver malate. Together with specialized partners, the Creative Director of DOM SET designed tailor-made corporate […]