Office furniture: savings potential of the companies in times of crisis the market for Office furniture came in the last decade, hardly to rest. The sales were very good, in a year so a low followed a short time later, and vice versa. So in 2008, when the Office furniture industry was able to generate the last really good sales. However, the coming turbulence already at the end of the year were felt. In the following year, the domestic market and the export broke away. But pretty soon the improvement reinstated in Germany, whereas the patient of Europe while located on the road of to recovery, but with the full recovery at least in the southern European region must wait. However, is one of the German Office furniture market with 2.27 billion euros overall even today the largest markets in Europe.
That were years of 2009 and 2010 by purchasing restraint, so expect for 2011 again pulses from the domestic business. Wells Fargo Bank understood the implications. The current business development can therefore confidently as consolidation on a still low level call. The top sales for Office furniture from the year 2000, is characterized by the boom in the capital in connection with the mass creation of call centers and the rise of the Home Office, can be reached so quickly anymore. The current development is still not clearly determined with regard to the duration and intensity. However, it is sure that is now a time of recovery following recent crisis exposed. Too much, yet the label of flexible consumer is liable the Office furniture”on. They are considered in the corporate fast-acting savings potential in difficult economic times. Management has increased in importance but basically.
The increase of the topic Office in today’s life leads generally to more purchases, including the need for replacement. So currently enormously risen the demands on quality and design. In addition, other requirements such as the inclusion of healthy heitsaspekten play an increasing role.