Labor Market Trends

The holiday season left its mark on the performance of job boards. The number of vacancies has decreased by an average of 5%, the number of resume – 1%. Jobs in Kharkov whole, the job of Kharkov pyatiprontnoe showed a decline. In July compared to June increased demand for accountants and economists (11%). However, noticeably fewer naiboolee vacancies office managers (11%), health care workers (20%), engineers (15%) and job specialties (35%). Average wages declared by the vacancies in July amounted to $ 430.

This is the lowest average salary for that year. Most significantly, in July decreased salaries in the IT-sector (about 10%), working in the field of specialization (5%) and in sales (about 3%). Risen wages of accountants, economists and financiers – an average of 15%, and the engineers – 20%. Competitors Kharkov Compared to June, most increased number of resumes in the sections IT-specialists (an average of 20%). However, the markedly reduced number of resumes on economic specialties (on average 20%), and sales managers (an average of 1%).

Average salary stated in summary, was $ 370. Requests for salaries declined in sales (3%), in eknonomistov and accountants (4%) and the working professions (2%). The ratio of vacancies to the summary of average of 1:2 – one vacancy offer 2 CV. However, in various specialties, this figure is different. For example, in IT-specialties in one summary account for about three vacancies. In contrast, among economists and accountants single job offer 3 summary. The realities of the labor market. Market IT-specialties yavlyatesya leading to the degree of relevance, but in July and here there was uzhestochnenie labor due to increased competition the number of applicants. On the other hand, in the sphere of economic specialties, office staff, where there is a very large number of applicants per vacancy in July showed an improvement. The general trend of July – in order to find a job, applicants most specialties reduce their salary expectations.

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